Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (Argentinien) | http://www.presidencia.ar/trab.html |
Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social |
http://www.anses.gov.ar |
Department of Social Security (Australien) | http://www.dss.gov.au |
Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency |
http://www.csda.gov.au |
Centrelink |
http://www.centrelink.gov.au |
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bahrain) | http://www.bah-molsa.com |
Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé Publique et de L'Environnement (Belgien) | http://www.minsoc.fgov.be/ |
Administration de la Sécurité Sociale | http://socialsecurity.fgov.be |
Ministério da Previdência e Assistencia Social do Brasil (Brasilien) | http://www.mpas.gov.br |
Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social (Chile) | http://www.presidencia.cl/estructura/poderejecutivo/ministros/trabajo.html |
Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (Costa Rica) | http://info.ccss.sa.cr |
Socialministeriet (Dänemark) | http://www.sm.dk |
Arbejdsskadestyrelsen |
http://www.ask.dk |
KELA - Social Insurance Institution (Finnland) | http://www.kela.fi |
Kommunale Rentenversicherung (KEVA) |
http://www.keva.fi |
Central Pension Security Institute |
http://www.elaketurvakeskus.etk.fi |
Caisse national d'assurance viellesse (Frankreich) | http://www.cnav.fr |
Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Griechenland) | http://www.labor-ministry.gr |
Idryma Koinonikon Asfaliseon (IKA) |
http://www.ika.gr |
Department of Social Security (Großbritannien) | http://www.dss.gov.uk |
Northern Ireland Social Security Agency |
http://www.nics.gov.uk/ssa/index.htm |
Hong Kong Social Welfare Department(Hong Kong) | http://www.info.gov.hk/swd/index.htm |
Irish Department of Social Welfare (Irland) | http://www.welfare.ie/home.htm |
Tryggingastofnun Rikisins (Island) | http://www.tr.is |
National Insurance Institute (Israel) | http://www.btl.gov.il |
Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (Italien) | http://www.inps.it |
Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan) | http://www.mhw.go.jp |
Canadian Department of Human Resources Development (Kanada) | http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca |
Ministry of Labour and Manpower Development (Kenya) | http://www.kenyaweb.com/kenyagov/labour/labour.html |
Caja Columbiana de Subsidio Familiar (Kolumbien) | http://www.colsubsidio.com |
Ministry of Health and Welfare (Korea) | http://www.mohw.go.kr |
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs |
http://www.kihasa.re.kr |
Ministarstvo Rada I Socijalne Skrbi - Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (Kroatien) | http://www.vlada.hr/tijela/minkab/rad.html |
Valstybinio Socialinio Draudimo Fondo Valdyba - Social Insurance Fund Board (Litauen) | http://www.sodra.lt |
Ministère de la sécurité sociale (Luxemburg) | http://www.etat.lu/MSS |
Ministry of Human Resources (Malaysia) | http://www.jaring.my/ksm |
Ministry for Social Security (Malta) | http://www.magnet.mt/ministries/socsec |
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexiko) | http://www.imss.gob.mx |
Department of Social Welfare (Neuseeland) | http://www.dsw.govt.nz |
Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) (Niederlande) | http://www.svb.org |
Voorlichtingscentrum Sociale Verzekering |
http://www.vsv.nl |
Sosial- og Helsedepartementet (Norwegen) | http://odin.dep.no/shd/index.html |
Trygdeetaten |
http://www.trygdeetaten.no |
Die österreichische Sozialversicherung im Social-Net (Österreich) | http://www.sozialversicherung.co.at/hauptverband/index.htm |
Superintendencia Nacional de Administracion Tributaria (Peru) | http://www.sunat.gob.pe |
Social Security System (Philippinen) | http://www.sss.gov.ph |
Government Service Insurance System |
http://www.gsis.gov.ph |
Direcçao-Geral dos Regimes da Segurança Social (Portugal) | http://www.infocid.pt/Infocid/0_147.htm |
Caixa Geral de Aposentações |
http://www.cga.pt |
Socialdepartementet (Schweden) | http://www.sb.gov.se/info_rosenbad/departement/social/social.html |
Försäkringskassan |
http://www.fk.se |
Försäkringskasseförbundet (FKF) |
http://www.fkf.se |
Schweizerische Sozialversicherung (Schweiz) | http://www.admin.ch/zas |
Ausgleichskasse Kanton Appenzell A.Rh. |
http://www.ak-ar.ch |
Central Provident Fund Board (Singapur) | http://www.cpf.gov.sg |
Seguridad Social Española (Spanien) | http://www.seg-social.es |
Banco de Previsión Social (Uruguay) | http://www.bps.gub.uy |
Caja Notarial de Jubilaciones y Pensiones |
http://www.montevideo.com.uy/cajanotarial/cajan.htm |
Servicio de Retiros y Pensiones de las Fuerzas Armadas |
http://iris.davanet.com.uy/srpffaa |
U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) | http://www.ssa.gov |
The Railroad Retirement Board (USA) |
http://www.rrb.gov |